Brian Bucek, Soldiers In Tech
Web Developer 30 Week Flex Bootcamp Graduate
Lighthouse Labs and the Roland Gossage foundation have given me the opportunity and resources I needed to attain remote employment and provide for my family in a secured industry. The Web Development Flex program enabled me to help my wife with our 4 year old and newborn throughout the course. The preparation work for the course showed me I was capable and deeply interested in programming. The instructors, mentors, and administrators were always at hand for guidance and assistance. The course work was intensive and excellent preparation for the real world.
I graduated with the confidence I needed to continue on, network, and build experience in the tech industry. This was by far the most challenging and validating intellectual experience of my life. I proved myself capable of more than I ever thought I was, and that alone made this course worth it.
Programming is a field of infinite information and seems extremely intimidating, but Lighthouse Labs shows you that you can use online resources and connections and feel confident that you can solve any problem you cross and build great things. I recommend the highly reputable Lighthouse Labs to anybody who has ever been interested in advanced problem solving and is looking for secured high paying remote work in a highly respected industry.

Geoff White, Soldiers In Tech
Cyber Security 12 Week Bootcamp Graduate
The Soldiers in Tech program provided a great experience through Lighthouse Labs and The Roland Gossage Foundation. The biggest draws for me were the career services offered and the hands on experience with various tools. I found the program to be challenging but well paced and covering a good breadth and depth of industry tools.
I enjoyed doing the various labs ranging from network admin to forensic and malware analysis. These hands-on labs help familiarize you with various industry tools and their functions. The scenarios spread throughout helped ease you into the final scenario while also getting you familiarized with reports from the industry.
Overall I would say it was a good pace and covered much valuable information. Some days were less busy than others and so it was possible to do studying and review on your own to brush up on weak spots. I am thankful to the Soldiers in Tech program and would definitely recommend reaching out to see if it would be a good fit.

Edgar Leung , Soldiers In Tech
Web Developer 12 Week Bootcamp
“Hello, I am Edgar Leung and I wanted to thank Lighthouse Labs for giving me the skills and confidence for web development. Prior to my induction to the Full Stack Web Development program, though I knew how to code I felt my skills were inadequate for the demands of either the job market or for my own personal projects. As a member of the military I am no stranger to long periods of tedious work with limited time, Lighthouse Labs was no different: its called bootcamp for a reason. I am happy to have spent those long hours grinding through the many hours of web development projects and studies: to be confident to build any web application without any doubts”
Meet Our Grads

Clint Pearce, Soldiers In Tech
Web Developer 12 Week Bootcamp
It’s hard to express the magnitude of trepidation one feels when they decide to leave the Canadian Armed Forces. Adding to that, there are a staggering amount of options you face when you take your first steps from that precipice into the non-CAF world. However, due in part to the inculcation of environmental CAF values: drive, creativity, determination, and the ability to work through blockers, a Veteran's skillset has a direct correlation to the world of programming and computer science.
LHL via the generous actions of the Roland Gossage Foundation gave me not only the tools necessary to dive head-first into this domain but the ability to do it well. We are the summation of our experiences and any Veteran with the aid of these two amazing organizations can too succeed in this amazing, challenging, and rewarding world.

Joseph Levesque, Soldiers In Tech
Web Developer 12 Week Bootcamp
I recommend anyone interested in programming to apply for the Soldiers in Tech program. Lighthouse Labs provided a welcoming learning environment, and the challenging 12-week program is worth the effort. Coding is the future, and I'm thankful to be a part of it. I'm grateful for the Roland Gossage Foundation and the program they have put together; Soldiers in Tech truly has made a positive impact on my life.

Luke Berzins, Soldiers In Tech
Web Developer 12 Week Bootcamp
I fell in love with coding at the beginning of the pandemic. Soldiers in Tech and LHL gave me the opportunity to bring my skills to a professional level. After the program, I am confident in pursuing career opportunities in Web Development. The program truly brought me to the next level.

Sebastian Lynch, Soldiers In Tech
Web Developer 12 Week Bootcamp
Making the choice to pursue a career in tech is very intimidating. This program is incredibly fast paced and demanding, and is designed to throw you out of your comfort zone and keep you there for 12 straight weeks. Learning to be comfortable in that environment is nearly as important as learning the languages. This program is not for the feint of heart, but if you want a career in Tech then it's well worth the effort and LHL is probably the best place in Canada to help guide you there.

Chuck Prystupa, Soldiers In Tech
Web Developer 12 Week Bootcamp
I always loved working with tech, and Soldiers in Tech and LHL equipped me with knowledge and confidence to dive into the world of programming; Now I am constantly thinking of new projects, and exploring new technologies. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner.

Ali Bas, Soldiers In Tech
Web Developer 12 Week Bootcamp
As a part of this wonderful program, I would like to mention that it was one of the hardest and beneficial training periods for my career. I have had various tough and successful training tracks including fighter pilot training. And I would definitely perceive the Lighthouse Labs training period as one of the most challenging and fruitful trainings for my career. Coding and aviation are my passion and I would like to thank Roland Gossage foundation and Lighthouse Labs for their contribution to realize my second dream. As a former NATO force’s Air Force Pilot, I am a volunteer to serve Canadian values and society as much as possible in the tech and aviation industry. I strongly suggest Lighthouse Labs and Soldiers in Tech to all veterans who are disposed to computer programming.

Jared Goldman, Soldiers In Tech
Web Developer 12 Week Bootcamp
“After serving in the Naval reserves for almost 10 years, the Roland Gossage foundation provided me with an opportunity to follow my tech dreams and develop an entirely new career and future. They set me up at Lighthouse Labs, which offers a fun, demanding and overall incredible learning experience that has offered me a deep confidence in my myself as a person and software developer. Thanks to the program, I now have a rich, modern skillset and several potential job opportunities. I am incredibly thankful I found out about the Soldier’s in Tech program!"